


路易斯安那州已经在新的机场航站楼上花费了10亿美元,并决心邀请尽可能多的访客来查看投资。路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(Louis Armstrong New Orleans Internations Airport)(MSY)在感恩节旅行冲刺之后正在推出“客人通行证”计划,这将使非旅行者能够仔细阅读大厅,在其许多餐厅用餐,并在其零售店购物。一旦清除了安全线,他们就可以自由地与实际上有飞机的其他所有人一起漫游机场。

MSY并不是第一个首次参加此类计划的机场。正如Nola.com所指出的在TSA首次批准他们前进之后,匹兹堡,坦帕,西雅图和底特律也存在类似的计划。It’s a move that seems to split the difference between pre- and post-9/11 airport security measures: You can now accompany your departing loved ones to their gate once more, or be there to greet them when they arrive—but you’ll still be taking off your shoes and going through that body scanner if you want the privilege of grabbing beignets at the terminal’s Cafe Du Monde.


To ensure the guest pass program doesn’t lead to longer security lines and more crowded gates, MSY Guest Pass can only be accessed by 50 visitors per day on weekdays (expanding to 100 per day on weekends), and pass holders can only visit between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., outside the typical air travel rush periods. The program may only be used by each visitor once per month. It seems like a lot of restrictions, but businesses within the terminal will likely see some uptick in revenue from these pass holders, and for families looking to spend a little extra time with loved ones, it beats a quick “Fly safe!” at the dropoff curb.