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欢迎来到通往饮料的门户, 在哪里188betios下载提供有关我们最喜欢的解放的入门级课程,并提供一些有关在哪里开始喝酒的建议。




While Mexico is home to over two hundred types of agave plant, by law tequila can only be made from a single variety, the blue (azul) Agave Tequilana Weber, which you’ll see referred to as the Blue Weber Agave, Blue Agave, Agave Azul, or some other similar combination of those words. If you see advertising proudly proclaiming that a company’s tequila is exclusively made from Blue Weber agave, just know that there literally isn’t any other legal option.

龙舌兰在墨西哥中部的土著语言中被称为METL和西班牙语作为Maguey,可以通过一些不同的过程成为龙舌兰酒。The most traditional method is to harvest the agave once it’s matured (which generally takes around 5-10 years) and then trim off the sharp outer leaves to reveal the large heart (or “piña”), which is then quartered and steamed in brick ovens for 24-48 hours. Once the piña is cooked it is then cooled, shredded, and pressed to extract its juices, and those juices (referred to as mosto or tepache) are fermented with yeast in copper pots. When the fermentation is completed the mosto is distilled twice to create the布兰科品种(有时也称为Plata或Silver,Tequila)和桶装成型桶以创造Reposado(年龄至少60天,最多一年),Añejo(年龄至少12个月)和额外的añejo(至少老化3年)。


据精神专家埃里克·扎尼娜(Eric Zandona)说,龙舌兰语词典的作者,扩散器的使用被认为是一个肮脏的秘密。While they’re much more efficient at extracting the fermentable sugars from agave (which makes it faster, cheaper, and easier to make tequila), they’re also believed to change the taste profile in undesirable ways, and to produce a less complex final product. “There’s no labeling requirement for any of this,” Zandona says. “Other than people taking tours and taking pictures of [the diffusers], or brands openly admitting they’re using them, there’s no way of identifying when a brand is using them.” If you’re curious to see what one looks like, the distillery Casa Sauza has pictures and descriptions在其网站上


味道:龙舌兰酒在最简单的化身中是一种清晰,芳香的蒸馏精神,具有半甜味的味道,可以是泥土和辣的,并且味道绝对是龙舌兰的味道。There are many factors that influence the taste of tequila, including the age at which the agave is harvested, how it’s cooked, whether additional sugars have been added, what kind of yeast is used, how it’s distilled, how much water is used to bring the spirit down to bottling proof, and so on.



可能的网关:人们最有可能遇到的龙舌兰酒是何塞·库尔沃(Jose Cuervo),索扎(Sauza)和帕特隆(Patrón)等主要品牌,这没什么错。不过,您应该考虑的是大众市场“黄金”(Oro/Joven)龙舌兰酒被添加的非伸缩糖发酵,使它们被称为混合龙舌兰酒。这些是被认为是低质量的大众市场产品,因此并不是要突出蒸馏龙舌兰提供的更微妙的特征。最重要的是,请记住,在用柠檬挤压的龙舌兰酒和舔盐后,不是食用龙舌兰酒的最佳方法。实际上,这实际上只是掩盖龙舌兰酒风味的一种方式,要么是因为它的质量低,而且味道不好,要么是因为龙舌兰酒不是对您的口感的合适饮料。

如果您正在寻找良好的,可接触的Blanco Tequila,Zandona推荐RejónBlancoTequila他说,这提供了“经典龙舌兰酒店的绝妙典范”,其成本非常合理,约为每升25美元。



下一步:一旦您在Blancos上切了牙,桶装老化的龙舌兰酒就是下一个合理的步骤。Gran CentenarioAñejo是一个很好的起点:这款黄油,平易近人的龙舌兰酒在美国橡木桶里度过了16个月,它给了它一种加香料的,几乎像波旁威士忌的品质,肯定会熟悉很多饮酒者。



还要寻找阅读“ 100%龙舌兰”,“ 100%纯[puro]龙舌兰”或类似语言表示纯度的标签,因为这可以帮助防止Mixto To To To To To To toquilas。这些标签惯于但是,请帮助您避免用扩散器制成的龙舌兰酒,因为仍然允许这些精神标记为“ 100%纯龙舌兰”。因此,如果您真的想确定,请寻找强调其使用传统烹饪方法的品牌。


像专家一样说话:尽管墨西哥有100多个酿酒厂,但实际上有数千个品牌。这是因为许多龙舌兰酒品牌实际上并没有制作自己的龙舌兰酒,而只是批发购买。值得庆幸的是,有一种秘密武器可以帮助您跟踪龙舌兰酒的实际来自何处:NOM(NOMAS OFICIALES墨西哥人)。

Tequila的NOMS由Consejo监管Del Tequila(Tequila监管委员会)执行,直到最近确定了哪种Tequila是由哪种酿酒厂生产的,无论品牌如何。Unfortunately, according to Eric Zandona, this has recently changed, and now “it’s possible a brand might be sourcing tequila from one, or two, or more distilleries, but have a contract with another to bottle it,” leading to the NOM being attached to the bottler, not the maker. Still, the NOM can provide at least some sense of where a tequila came from, even if its true origins are now somewhat obscured.

