

照片罗伯特·斯特里克兰(Robert Strickland)((德克萨斯大学出版社

何塞·R·拉拉特(JoséR。Ralat)可能是美国最羡慕的人之一。这是因为他的工作:炸玉米饼编辑德克萨斯州月刊。是的,他的整个工作 - 他收到的薪水 - 要吃炸玉米饼,然后写关于炸玉米饼。您现在可以花点时间想知道自己的生活到底是什么,也许会流下几只眼泪,然后通过反映工作仍然是一份工作而沉迷于一点酸葡萄,当您的时候什么都没有那么有趣做到这一点,拉拉特可能遭受深深地为他的劳动。你好点了吗?




拉拉特在这里做了一些认真的作业,以确定每种炸玉米饼的历史和哲学。他挖了报纸档案馆,与学者进行了交谈,最重要的是,他在餐馆和他们的食品卡车外面与厨师一起度过了一段时间。最具争议的启示可能是早餐炸玉米饼起源于圣安东尼奥,而不是奥斯丁。(对于德克萨斯人来说,这是一笔巨大的交易一切。)最令人惊讶的是关于犹太炸玉米饼的一章,该章是在埃尔帕索(El Paso)的艺术装置中以conversos y炸玉米饼犹太美食卡车EST。1492,这探讨了加密犹太人的历史,他们在西班牙宗教裁判所期间从表面上converted依了天主教,但即使来到墨西哥,他们也秘密地保留了犹太传统。((Ralat skirts a bit around the issue, but it doesn’t sound like any of the kosher tacos he tastes are that good.) And the saddest is the story of the frybread taco, based on the frybread that Native Americans created out of necessity after the U.S. government “resettled” them to the southwestern desert and left them with flour, lard, and sugar for provisions.

每个讨论都有一个词美国炸玉米饼回到,这就是“真实性”。拉拉特(Ralat)开始在墨西哥城的旅程,在那里他发现“美国炸玉米饼的观念很狭窄。We insist on it being ‘authentically Mexican.’ ‘Novelty’ and ‘gringo’ are often used to describe anything beyond pork, beef, or chicken—and yet in fewer than three days I had encountered a variety greater than any I could imagine finding back home [in the U.S.].” One of the most universally beloved tacos he tries in Mexico City is called “la gringa,” a taco al pastor served on a flour tortilla and covered in white cheese, named after the American college girl who allegedly first asked for it. Nobody quibbles, because it’s delicious and who doesn’t love cheese? “The addition of cheese to the iconic taco al pastor erased the border between Americanized Mexican food and reverently guarded Mexican food,” Ralat reflects after tasting one. “There was no heresy. There was only a taco. An inevitable taco. Here was the comforting synthesis of cherished foods producing something nearly perfect.”


但是,回到美国,事情变得更加复杂。正如拉拉特(Ralat)所写的那样,“将某些东西扔进玉米饼并不能自动使其成为炸玉米饼。”Roy Choi, the Korean-American chef credited with inventing the Korean taco (and also the gourmet food truck), was inspired by his L.A. childhood eating street tacos and Korean food in his parents’ restaurant, his recognition of the principles that the two cuisines have in common, and his realization of ways they could be blended together, for instance reheating and crisping bulgogi the way Mexicans reheat and crisp carne asada on a plancha, or adding kimchi on top of carne asada for a hit of acid to balance the savoriness肉。


Sur-Mex仍在南部和墨西哥风味的融合融合,这构成了更多的问题,也许是因为它仍然是一种正在进行的美食。米罗(Minero),由盎格鲁厨师Sean Brock开发的炸玉米饼餐厅南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿(Charleston)是拉拉特(Ralat)的主要典范和“ Cheffy Dreams”,跨越了文化占用。Minero的厨师De Cuisine,Wes Grubbs告诉Ralat,他和Brock度过了一个夏天,研究了尼克萨马利化,这是将玉米精制并磨碎成玉米饼的过程,以便他们自己制作;他承认这是一个荒谬的时间。更南方风格的炸玉米饼,就像墨西哥tema的tempura catfish炸玉米饼配腌制的绿色番茄塔塔尔,红洋葱,红洋葱和杜克在玉米玉米饼上的蛋黄酱,比墨西哥炸玉米饼的尝试要好得多。188bet casino或者,正如拉拉特(Ralat)所写的那样,“当厨师试图通过经典炸玉米饼的高档演绎来表现出对墨西哥食品的控制或声称合法性时,就会出现问题。”但是另一部分是,像布罗克(Brock)和格鲁布斯(Grubbs)一样,他们的意图也可能使墨西哥人完全脱离谈话。“什么是炸玉米饼?”墨西哥裔美国人厨师Silvana Salcido Esparza在后面的一章中询问Ralat。“炸玉米饼是您想要的任何东西,只要您是墨西哥人并为您的服务服务文化。”拉拉特不同意。



美国炸玉米饼为分享该国一些最好的炸玉米饼的最佳场所提供了很好的服务;还有一个附录,可以帮助读者自己识别真正出色的炸玉米饼关节。((Number one: The place is packed.) One of the great pleasures of this book is the opportunity to taste many of these tacos through Ralat’s descriptions: he has persuaded me that as soon as it’s safe to travel again, I’m going to have to get myself down to San Antonio to gorge myself on puffy tacos, masa dough that’s fried and formed into a U-shape and then stuffed with meat and salsa. They are so beloved that the local minor league baseball team has adopted a puffy taco as its mascot. You can’t get much more American than that.