



在您所知道和爱的几乎每个公司食品整体背后都是一个秘密,阴暗的组织,致力于创新,并且是通过“创新”的,我的意思是机器人。当肯德基在开发一个鸡肉三明治,幕后的疯狂科学家也在开发面部识别依赖餐厅在俄罗斯。随着沃尔玛逐渐成为最主要的超级市场在美国,它也使数百万美元进入递送无人机自动化系统那会 将所有竞争对手粉碎成遗忘从根本上改变零售的未来。在麦当劳,有mclabs,一个硅谷中心的技术实验室开发了令人兴奋的新方法来改善直通经验,并将金拱门编织成人类生存的结构。


QSR杂志报道说,在麦当劳与投资者的第三季度收益电话会议上,首席财务官凯文·奥赞(Kevin Ozan)表示,麦克拉布(McLabs)在发展其语音识别技术方面取得了严重的进展。在现实世界测试中,该技术表现出85%的准确性,人类员工需要大约20%的时间进行干预。McLabs正在与IBM合作,对技术进行完成,并大规模部署它。


“We’re seeing some very encouraging results in the restaurants that we have it,” added McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski, “but there is still a lot of work that needs to go into introducing other languages, being able to do it across 14,000 restaurants with all the various menu permutations, etc., and that work is beyond the scale of our core competencies, if you will. And so I think in this case, IBM is a natural partner for us.”

Kempczinski补充说,只要法院不干预,在全国范围内将自动订购将在全国范围内推出,否则将要再几年了。今年早些时候,伊利诺伊州一名男子针对快餐链提起诉讼, claiming that by using voice-recognition software to take his order, McDonald’s has violated the state’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), which requires companies to inform customers that they are collecting biometric information, which can include voiceprints, fingerprints, facial scans, handprints, and palm scans. But considering that America’s judicial system has a knack for siding with big business, and that it’s probably just a matter of time before all judges are replaced by robots themselves, the odds are good that in ten years’ time, a trip to McDonald’s will be a nearly human-free experience.