
“ Prepper”机器人在德国的一家杂货店中解释了Covid-19的保护措施。
“ Prepper”机器人在德国的一家杂货店中解释了Covid-19的保护措施。
照片ina fassbender/法新社((盖蒂图像



今天,CNN有一个关于机器人在冠状病毒大流行期间如何“帮助”杂货店运作的故事。这是一个新闻,乍一看似乎是无害的,但这是确切地机器人希望您掩饰的故事类型。Broad Branch Market是一家拥有100年历史的独立商店,已经开始依靠机器人向周围地区的客户提供非接触式交付。许多商店正在限制他们的工作时间来花费更多的时间进行清洁和灭菌,而专门从事自动地板机器人机器人的公司Brain Corp.的销售量显着增加。同时,沃尔玛正在采用所谓的“智能助手”,他们将提供帮助节省(!!!!)来自Menial Task的员工“允许工人改用将商品销售给购物者和其他客户服务角色。”


Again, if you’ve been following our robot coverage, you know that the eradication of human labor has long been attractive to corporations that have been so focused on profit margins that they fail to notice they’re playing right into the robots’ cold, steely hands. Steven Keith Platt, research director for the Retail Analytics Council, told CNN, “I strongly believe that the current health crisis will accelerate the adoption of robots in retail.” Platt says that in the short term, retailers will cite health concerns for the mass replacement of humans, and humans who fear the pandemic will applaud these changes. But once this crisis is over, the robots will not go away, and those of us who fear robots as much as COVID-19 will at last feel vindicated for spending our life savings on机器人保护保险