


谷歌最近出版Google Maps Insights的综述。这些统计数据分析了COVID-19的大流行如何改变消费者的购物,驾驶和就餐习惯,并预测了这个假期的趋势。The company also dug into consumer foot traffic patterns, and the findings are pretty useful: according to the report, grocery stores tend to be the busiest on Saturday afternoons between 1 and 3 p.m., and they’re the least crowded on Mondays around 8 a.m. Another fun note: the report found that coffee shops tend be the busiest Saturdays at 10 a.m. and the least busy on Tuesdays at 4 p.m., which is something to consider if you’ve been hesitant to pop out for a Starbucks run during the pandemic.

总体而言,Google的发现对我们这些将威利人推倒在潜在的细菌杂货店中,但在指定的减产小时期间没有资格购物的人有帮助。在我当地的珠宝中,那些低流量的时间是为老年人和免疫功能低下的购物者保留的。虽然在正常工作期间杂货店购物很难避免,但CDC确实谨慎客户尽可能限制访问。就我个人而言,我每周在周日开设一家大型商店,但是Google的发现可能会促使我在周一上班前的周一早晨更换日常工作并库存。似乎是开始工作周的一种实用方法 - 此外,早上没有什么像新鲜农产品的气味一样。