


Double Cheeseburger来自洛杉矶的胜利
照片玛丽亚·塔格 /洛杉矶时报((盖蒂图像

欢迎来到粉碎,一个由五部分组成的系列,其中一个专业汉堡爪子告诉您她对Smash Burgers的了解以及如何在家中制作合适的汉堡。






我的汉堡估计始于我在一家米其林星级餐厅做饭的工作,该餐厅制作了高端,当地采购的酒吧食品。尽管提供了整个鳟鱼,鹅肝,牡蛎,贻贝和其他更令人兴奋的菜肴,但夏季我们销售混音的明星是双重奶酪汉堡,上面放着咸菜,焦糖洋葱,dijonnaise和白色的美国奶酪,上面放在奶油蛋卷面包上。188bet casino

If you’ve worked at a restaurant in any capacity you probably know that no matter what the government says, breaks are something you need to proactively ask for, and the maximum length of time deemed appropriate for a break is however long it takes your boss to smoke a cigarette. That’s why, despite my lack of interest in burgers, I’d frequently find myself at the end of a shift pausing between cleaning out grease traps and mopping floors to shove a burger down my gullet. Coupled with weeks of honing my burger-cooking technique, I began to appreciate our menu’s double cheeseburger for all that it was and不是


我很快了解到有两个汉堡风格的营地:大,多汁,厚实的汉堡和薄而脆的汉堡。我的同事是一位才华横溢的厨师,他的牙齿翻转了五十年,称厚实的风格为“晚餐汉堡”。它们在我在90年代和2000年代初的整个童年时都很受欢迎,并且经常被描绘成美食,并在牛排馆服役。它们可能是用牛lo来制作的,该sliloin被指定为安格斯,科比或牛牛肉,并带有洋葱戒指和鳄梨调味酱等野生东西。188bet casino有时,他们可能有培根碎,墨西哥胡椒,奶酪,以及与碎牛肉混合在一起。他们需要两只手(或叉子和刀)吃饭。无论是烤还是烤,它们都以与牛排相同的方式烹饪:达到指定的味道。

我对汉堡的想法的双重芝士汉堡属于稀薄的帕蒂家族。这些是快餐店,开车和食客制作的汉堡。它们经常用箔或纸包裹,坐着或站立时可以用一只手吃掉。这粉碎汉堡用超薄的半英寸帕蒂(Patty)煮熟的超薄半英寸帕蒂(Patty)煮熟了这一类别。汉堡专家乔治·莫茨(George Motz)在2018年8月号中说Bon Appetit表面上,那个“稀薄的小馅饼都在进来”,将其胖兄弟姐妹(晚餐汉堡)踢到路边。我同意,在2000年代最初几十年的某个时候,薄馅饼再次变得凉爽,尽管是西海岸独有的


In a burst of unfounded conjecture, I’ll argue that the rise of the thin patty coincided with the recession of 2008 and 2009 in the same way that full skirts and an excess of fabric represented by Christian Dior’s New Look coincided with the end of WWII and the subsequent economic boom. Sure, diner cooks have been smashing burger patties against flat-tops for decades, but it wasn’t until the mid-aughts that Paris Hilton got a DUI en route to an In-N-Out.

Regardless of style, the recipe for a burger is so simple you can’t call it a recipe: Beef, salt, bread, and optional toppings is more like a formula, and just like humanity’s other brilliant formulas (general relativity comes to mind), its genius rests in its simplicity. It took me months of gorging on burgers, smashing patties into the plancha, and listening to my coworkers argue and shit-talk about the best burgers and burger cookery to understand that this simple formula can produce plenty of good burgers, but the greatest iterations always follow a few rules.


如果您是游戏,请加入我,逐步下降到油腻的汉堡深处,在那里我分享我对牛肉,面包和浇头的了解的知识。但是首先:您是团队晚餐汉堡还是团队Smash Burger?