

特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)在2019年11月9日在德克萨斯州休斯敦举行的第二个年度Astroworld音乐节上演唱会
特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)在2019年11月9日在德克萨斯州休斯敦举行的第二个年度Astroworld音乐节上演唱会

您可能已经听说过,非常受欢迎的说唱歌手/歌手/词曲作者/制作人/影响者非凡的特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)与麦当劳(McDonald's)合作特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)餐, a $6 combo that includes a Quarter Pounder with Cheese that includes all the regular toppings plus shredded lettuce and bacon, medium fries with barbecue sauce on the side, and a Sprite, because, according to the McDonald’s website, “that’s how he likes it.” If you’ve been watching any network television the last week or so, you might have even seen ads featuring an animated Scott jumping around the combo meal tray, highlighting his favorite foods. This is the first time that McDonald’s has released a celebrity meal since collaborating with Michael Jordan almost 30 years ago, and the Travis Scott Meal has huge viral appeal among Gen Z. Unfortunately for McDonald’s workers nationwide, this has led to a rash of drive-thru prankings in which customers order the combo meal by blasting the Scott’s song “Sicko Mode” directly into the speaker instead of just, y’know, ordering the meal by its name.

根据BuzzFeed,许多Tiktok用户一直在发布自己的视频,以这种方式订购组合餐,使快餐员工员工破译了他们的预期购买。在某些情况下,员工会很娱乐;在一个视频中,您可以听到通过驱动器的工人识别这首歌,并说:“不,你没有!”笑着。但是经过几次轮班,恶作剧似乎对某些员工磨损,这是可以理解的。许多人只是等待“ Sicko Mode”的开放栏,然后询问客户是否想要其他任何东西。也许这就是为什么麦当劳不再与名人合作就新颖的饭菜组合进行合作的原因?

其他恶作剧命令需要更多的努力来破译特别如果您不愿意加快流行文化。如果有人要求“ Kylie Jenner Baby Daddy餐”或“ Fortnite Guy Meal”,我将完全迷失。这些恶作剧,就像蒂克托克(Tiktok)一样,提醒我我不再是一个年轻人。除了在特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)的饭菜中慰藉,从我的汽车的窗户上大声清晰地订购,没有电话拍摄我的滑稽动作或员工的反应。
