

更新,2021年2月18日:就这样,麦当劳的所有限量版胶囊被售罄。但是,在麦当劳疯狂的商品跌落中,Popeyes很快就偷偷摸摸地偷偷摸摸地戳了一些戳戳要贴其鸡肉三明治概念。在发送给的新闻稿中188betios下载,Popeyes占用aim at McDonald’s upcoming chicken sandwich, saying that “Ever since Popeyes released their famous internet breaking Chicken Sandwich, the bar has been set high for what customers expect from a quality chicken sandwich, and other restaurants have been trying to get a taste of the hype by debuting or upgrading their own.”


大力水平如何应对新的竞争浪潮?通过强调自己作为鸡肉三明治的黄金标准的品质。Popeyeshas purchased 50 different URLs that are nearly identical to McDonald’s “CKHNDrop.com” (where the merch capsules were dropped earlier today), and anyone who misspells that trendily-vowelless URL will be directed to “quality.popeyes.com” instead—where they will向免费的Popeyes鸡肉三明治提供促销代码。伙计们,如果您敢于激起残酷的快餐比赛的火焰。


原始帖子,2021年2月17日:在大力水平之后打破鸡肉三明治宇宙在2019年,人们一直在想麦当劳何时会以自己的版本做出回应。当然,它已经有了McChicken和“ Artisan”鸡肉三明治,但是尽管这些物品具有优点,但它们从未如此出色堵塞了高速公路。一旦这成为快餐鸡三明治麦当劳的基准,麦当劳别无选择,开始开发全新的鸡肉三明治这将面临通常为米其林星级餐厅保留的那种审查。

正如我们已经与最大的欢乐所分享的那样,麦当劳的脆皮鸡肉三明治将于2月24日开始提供。但是,还有其他促销活动!从明天2月18日中午开始,麦当劳将丢下5美元限量版胶囊” complete with a 7-inch vinyl record featuring a brand new track by super music producer Tay Keith and an exclusive raw-chicken-flesh-colored hoodie that “reps the deliciousness of our new Crispy Chicken Sandwich in one word ‘crispyjuicytender.’” Those who can get their hands on the capsules will also get access to the Crispy Chicken Sandwich on February 23, a day earlier than the rest of the country.

没错,伙计们:花5美元,还有很多痛苦的点击和刷新,您可以活着La Vida Pollo Loco,并在您认识的任何人之前24小时在您的腹部中放一个新的鸡肉三明治。您需要做的就是参观chkndrop.com在2月18日东部时间中午,祈祷您是遇到胶囊的幸运少数人之一。而且,如果您不这样做,您只需要坐下来等到下周三与Hoi Polloi的其余部分。这将是艰难的,但我相信你和毅力的力量。当然,还有脆皮,多汁,嫩化的全白鸡肉鱼片的力量。