
Whole Foods首席执行官:基于植物的“肉”对您不利

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现有的替代品来自不可能的食物,超越肉类倾向于将其作为更健康的牛肉替代品。但是,尽管这可能是正确的,因为它与胆固醇(超越和不可能的汉堡都不包含)或其整体环境影响有关,但有些人在评估时谨慎行事如何他们可能健康。其中:Whole Foods首席执行官John Mackey,他在最近的一次CNBC采访说,即使是植物性汉堡也是一种高度加工的食物。

Mackey, who’s kept a vegan diet for over 20 years, preached caution around the overall public perception of such products: “The [brands] who are capturing the imagination of people—and I’m not going to name these brands because I’m afraid I will be associated with the critique of it, but some of these that are extremely popular now that are taking the world by storm, if you look at the ingredients, they are super, highly processed foods.”


他接着暗示:“我认为吃高加工食品不健康。我认为人们擅长吃全食……” - 哦,约翰,好工作,在这个品牌名称中工作,约翰!



However, Mackey does acknowledge the value of plant-based meats as a step on the path to healthier eating: “A lot of people say ... that [plant-based] meat is a transition food, meaning it’s a way for [people] to begin to re-educate [their] palates.” Whatever the future holds for plant-based meat, the debate over their merits is just getting started.