忘记阿诺德·帕尔默(Arnold Palmer) - 您需要伯爵灰色Orangeade


照片艾莉森·罗比克利(Allison Robicelli),,,,形象的娜塔莉偷窥

I don’t mean to insult lemonade—it deserves every iota of its popularity—but when you consider that you can replace the lemon in its basic formula with any fruit juice you want, lemonade starts to seem a little bit basic, doesn’t it? Everyone knows how refreshing an ice cold lemonade is on a hot summer’s day, but the真实的很酷的孩子知道,有一个令人兴奋的无柠檬味世界,出于某种神秘的原因,从来没有以相同的方式成为主流。


I’ll never understand why my personal favorite, orangeade, has failed to capture the hearts and minds of America the way its lemony cousin has, but I do know that drinking it makes me feel like a rebel who’s too cool for conform to society’s beverage expectations. I feel the same way about Arnold Palmers, the delicious 50/50 mix of iced black tea and lemonade. Rebels make their own rules, and make themselves tasty two-in-one beverages that convey as much. So, fellow rebels, here’s a two-in-one drink that is guaranteed to knock your socks off:伯爵格雷·奥拉格德(Earl Gray Orangeade)


伯爵格雷·奥拉格德(Earl Gray Orangeade)


  • 4杯水
  • 6伯爵灰茶袋
  • 3/4杯糖
  • 4杯冷橙汁
