



Across much of the past three decades, we’ve sniffed out every excuse to make three-ingredient chili cheese dip, the humble, crowd-pleasing appetizer (or meal!) we’ve stubbornly schlepped into our adult lives, even as our contemporaries have grown more ambitious and creative with their cooking.

进入烤盘中,我们兴奋的小手会在一块铲奶油奶酪上铺上一块铲砖,一个均匀分布的火鸡辣椒(没有豆类 - 没有比流浪豆外观更可怕或更糟糕的是稀有或毛),然后一堆切碎的切达干酪。微波炉三分钟,或在350华氏度的烤箱中放在烤箱中直至起泡,如果您认为自己是某种想要混蛋。等待这种Ambrosia的出现是我了解到,直接将您的额头直接压在微波门上的急切期待。


(通常,我们格式化我们的取出列表表格的食谱。但是,这是一个单一的食谱!再次适合便宜的座位:奶油芝士 +土耳其辣椒 +切达切达干酪 +三分钟的微波炉!


可能不是最适合的物品工作功能或一个充满休闲熟人的便餐。辣椒奶酪蘸酱看起来有些令人作呕。但是下降绝不是审美吸引力。(In fact, looks are probably fourth down the list, behind deliciousness, cream-to-brain pleasure centers, and ease) In fact, this dip doesn’t resemble anything but a 13-by-9 sheet of melted cheddar until that first extra-sturdy chip is deployed to penetrate its top layer. (In effect, it’s also a three-layer dip.) When two-thirds of a recipe’s three ingredients are cheese, an inflection point is reached. With chili cheese dip on the table, there can be no more pretending that what we are about to indulge in is balanced, or nuanced, or clever, or remotely not-bad for us. It’s gooey and unglamorous and lazy. It’s very, very brown. Chip shrapnel everywhere. An absolute mess. And hovering just above the Pyrex, there’s a visible and joyful surrender on the faces of the initiated. We’re among friends here, and the reward for being among friends is not having to stand on airs. The ugly pile we present is something特别的,该死的,如果您不挖掘,那是您的损失。

