

McDonald’s announced Friday that, as of this Saturday, August 1, it will require face masks in all its 14,000 locations in the U.S. It will also require its employees to have de-escalation training in order to handle belligerent customers who refuse to wear masks—either their own or those provided by the restaurant—or stand peacefully in the designated pick-up area far from the other customers. McDonald’s executives have evidently seen enough videos like这个并听到了足够的故事这个保持警惕。这就是我们所做的。

“The intent of this policy is to take a proactive approach and focus on quickly finding solutions when customers are unable or unwilling to wear a face covering,” Joe Erlinger, the president of McDonald’s USA, and Mark Salebra, the National Franchise Leadership Alliance chair, explained in a陈述。“在客户拒绝戴脸部覆盖的情况下,我们将采取其他程序来以友好,迅速的方式照顾它们。此外,我们将为我们的餐厅工作人员提供培训,以确保他们准备以友好而积极的方式解决这一新政策。”
