最后一个电话:frickin'千禧一代不'甚至喜欢小鸡 - 菲尔-A


也许这是一个超挑的情况。毕竟,Chick-fil-a粉丝热情地狂热到他们最喜欢的快餐三明治,从门口制作排队,等待在柜台垂涎的空间。那么商业内幕gathered up a bunch of millennials who hadn’t ever tasted Chick-Fil-A before for whatever reason (like they didn’t grow up in an area that had one, or they used to be vegetarian) to try that famous chicken sandwich for the first time, the tasters had high hopes. Maybe too high. While some appreciated the popular fast-food chicken chain’s signature sandwich and waffle fries, others were less than enthused, calling it “bland,” “very skimpy,” “a very sad chicken sandwich,” and saying “I was expecting to like it more.” The worst nonsensical comment is probably the girl who thinks the fries are a little “potato-y” for her. So it looks like the chain may not instantly sweep that dream millennial market, but that just means more room at the counter for die-hard Chick-Fil-A fans. [Gwen Ihnat]



我发现Hanif Abdurraqib的Buzzfeed文章关于斋月期间的禁食相当漂亮,即使我唯一对宗教信仰“禁食”的经历没有在星期五作为一个孩子的甜点。What I connected with best wasn’t just the spiritual questioning and inclination toward rituals, but his descriptions of hunger: “I view it as the need to fill a void, or the hollowing out of a space that understands itself only as a vessel for fullness. I am hungry for many things, and rarely do I consume things which satisfy that need.” Give it a read. [凯特伯尼托]


几天前我创造了kfc skinwich。今天,肯德基回应推特上[Kevin Pang]