
照片玛妮·舒尔(Marnie Shure)

品牌合作是我最喜欢的杂货店好奇心之一。不论是不明智的以糖果为主题的手洗手剂,类似不必要的东西Twinkies蛋白粉,或者只有与食物最脆弱的东西,例如酸化儿童指甲油,考虑品牌代表之间来回走动的电子邮件链将这些产品带入世界上,让我们在超市中gat着,这很有趣。And in a world where any two products might get mashed together at any moment like particles inside the Large Hadron Collider, it’s nice when those collisions produce something that just feels right—not bizarre, not purely gimmicky, just a totally fine, logically sound product. Fireball Cinnamon Holiday Nog is exactly that.


让我们摆脱困境:它是“假日nog”,因为它实际上没有任何鸡蛋。(Classic egg nog recipes will include egg whites or yolks, or both, and many leading grocery store egg nog products like Dean’s, Prairie Farms, and Trader Joe’s Egg Nog similarly contain egg yolk solids.) Its ingredients list does, however, contain an impressive amount of synonyms for sugar: liquid sugar (sugar, water); invert cane sugar; and sugar. All of那些每种sip中的成分都在显着显示。正如纸箱所暗示的那样,将其提供在岩石上,这是一个很好的主意,即使只是切掉厚度,根本没有用鸡蛋和玉米糖浆来帮助。不过,这并不是对该产品的标志。我在春分时喝了80度。Scooch更接近冬季温度和假期的狂欢,突然间,所有糖不仅感觉更受欢迎,而且值得。

如您所料,火球的肉桂味不是馅饼和南瓜香料拿铁中的温暖,舒适,粘稠的味道。这是大红色咀嚼口香糖的肉桂味,当然还有火球肉桂威士忌。在我看来,现在可能有一些读者不熟悉火球的同时魅力和残酷。Some stats: Fireball is 33% alcohol by volume, it’s one of the top-selling whisky brands in the U.S., it boasts “natural cinnamon flavor,” and as this writer can attest, it goes down easy enough to cause two kinds of headaches (alcohol hangover, sugar hangover) the next day. If you only want one of those headaches, stick to the Nog, which does a pretty decent job of making sure all that sharp, candied cinnamon flavor comes through in every sip. Indeed, when you swap out the pleasant-but-rather-dull warming spices for peppery cinnamon in this cold, thick glass of holiday gloop, the flavor is brightened up just enough that it’s easier to make it through a whole serving without getting bored. The carton suggests adding Fireball to your Nog—of course it does—and the Nog provides the perfect canvas for adding such improvements to.

Unfortunately, it’s still a bit early to enjoy a glass of this stuff each evening by the fire, but my cartons of Fireball Cinnamon Holiday Nog don’t expire until November 24. That takes us deep into Nog season, when this product will make much more sense as a part of my after dinner routine. And at a time when major food and beverage brands are scrambling to introduce us to the next big, quirky, buzzy, Instagrammable事物,在我的冰箱中拥有新颖的产品实际上是有道理的,这是一种安慰。火球 + nog?当然,无论如何。倒我一杯,我将其抬高到这个明智的团队中。