
几年前,Chick-Fil-A是P.R.经理的噩梦,在其基督教首席运营官Dan T. Cathy之后与抵制作斗争反对同性婚姻的陈述。但今天,福布斯BuzzFeedNews指出一份新的技术报告,该报告说:“ Chick-Fil-A可能早在2020年就可以超越Wendy's,Burger King和Taco Bell。”连锁鸡的恋人已经忘记了以埃瑟(Ether)忘记了这一争议或不在乎,因为Chick-fil-A专注于各种成功的创新,以帮助它在拥挤的快餐店中提前。


例如,Chick-fil-A现在拥有一个受欢迎的移动应用程序,在过去两年中下载了1000万个,以及平板电脑的现场订购,并显着简化了直通车时间(BuzzFeedNews报道说:“据公司发言人称,“俄克拉荷马城的一次直通车最近在一小时内服役了216辆汽车”)。它还具有集成的菜单创新,例如无麸质面包和儿童烤鸡块。该连锁店在城市地区开设了受欢迎的分支机构,例如纽约的一家五层楼餐厅,从其乡村,家庭品牌转向。最后,福布斯notes that the QSR Magazine 2017 sales report shows “that the Atlanta-based chain’s average sales per restaurant were $4.4 million–nearly $2 million more than McDonald’s and more than $3.3 million more than KFC,” even though Chick-Fil-A is only open six days a week.

Still, the brand’s mission statement remains unchanged—“To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come into contact with Chick-fil-A”—and all stores remained closed on Sundays.BuzzFeedNewsmaintains that “Chick-fil-A is trying to move as far away from that [previous] controversy as possible, saying simply that the company treats everyone with ‘honor, dignity and respect,’” as its sales experience growth that other outlets can only envy.