





在审查NA饮料时,我通常喜欢涵盖公司的全部产品,但是在运动方面,这种方法是不可能的。这是一家保证的啤酒厂本周啤酒经常提供八种啤酒,以及一系列啤酒花和特殊的季节性版本(例如即将到来的彩虹墙,限量版的prive the Pride IPA)。运动是我梦dream以求的,并且确定永远不会存在:真实的手工啤酒厂,没有酒。

我将把您的注意力引向只有一种运动啤酒:最畅销的运行野生IPA。(I will absolutely be spotlighting more Athletic offerings in the future, but if you have your own thoughts or recommendations that just can’t wait, I’d love to hear about them in the comments!) Since IPAs can range from “pleasantly hoppy” to “ shockingly unpalatable” they can be a very divisive style, and yet I’m struggling to find a single thing to dislike about Run Wild. It hits the palate with a crisp bitterness and a tinge of grass and citrusy hops, then quickly shifts to grapefruit notes that linger on the tongue.

野生野生不是水,而是不小,不是“假啤酒”,这是一个非凡的,就像到目前为止我品尝过的其他运动啤酒一样。冷酷的证据表明,啤酒不需要出色的酒精。I am grateful of Athletic Brewing Company’s existence, I am grateful for all the readers who nudged me in its direction, and I am grateful that I’ve got a 12-pack of real, honest-to-goodness craft beers in my fridge waiting to be enjoyed. I can’t wait to share them all with you.